Batman comic lot

Batman comic lot

Sku: 1569    Availability:

Sale Price: $ 148.48

  • Product Description

Product Description

Batman comic lot

Huge lot of Batman vol. 1 filler issues, minor keys, & newsstands!! Books are varying conditions, most are VF- range, some are better, and a couple that are lower! Lot contains some doubles as pictured!

Lot includes issue #s 294, 307, 328, 360, 391, 394, 396-399, 413, 414x2, 415, 417, 418x2, 419x2, 420x2, 421x2, 424, 431, 433-435x2, 442, 445, 450, 499, 541, 620, & annual 17
36 books total! Batman comic lotBatman comic lotBatman comic lotBatman comic lotBatman comic lotBatman comic lot